Terms of service

The Bega Circular Valley and the Centre for Circularity are projects of Regional Circularity Co-operative Limited (RCC), a not-for-profit co-operative that was established in 2021 to formulate, promote and implement projects and initiatives relating to circular economies in the Bega Valley Shire and other geographic regions. A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of their life. It is also regenerates natural and social systems. This provides a more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally sound economic model for businesses and regions. 

RCC intends to build the Centre for Circularity in the town of Bega and that project is currently at a design phase. Further governmental approvals and construction plans are required before it is built. The current timetable aims to have the Centre operational by 2026, but this may be impacted by a range of future events. The images of the Centre for Circularity shown on this site and in the video have been created from the design of the Centre to provide a virtual guide as to what it will look like. The Bega Circular Valley project is at an initial phase and the achievement of its aims will be subject to various requirements and events including funding and approvals. The circularity programs referenced on this site and in the video are virtual representations of the type of programs that RCC may establish in the future to support its aims. They are intended as a general guide to the type of programs and educational facilities that may be associated with the Centre for Circularity. 

RCC collaborates with governments, universities, businesses, and other organisations to further its aims and programs. Many of these organisations have become members of RCC. This site and video acknowledges organisations that have made a significant contribution to RCC in its initial stage of operation. RCC thanks these organisations and all other supporters who will assist RCC into the future. However, it is important to note that our members and other supporters are not responsible for and do not make any representation or give any warranty in relation to the Centre for Circularity or RCC’s projects or operations. This site and video references future events and programs, the achievement of which is subject to various considerations. The information provided about circular economic principles and programs is of a general nature and does not constitute financial or other advice. It does not take account of individual circumstances that may be relevant to the application of those principles and programs in particular situations and third parties should seek their own expert advice on the application of circular economic principles and programs to their businesses or projects.